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nakjemput.com is owned and managed by Khairulzul Enterprise. The owners of this website, nakjemput.com, do not share your personal information with third parties. Nak Jemput also does not store information collected about your visit for use other than to analyze content performance through the use of cookies, which you can disable at any time by modifying your internet browser settings. By using this site, you agree to allow Nak Jemput to use and store these cookies if you have not disabled them in your browser.

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You agree to read and use all information obtained from this website at your own risk. You bear the risk of any loss, damage, or accidents that occur while trying or using any information from this website. The Nak Jemput team strives to provide information at the highest quality, but errors in writing or negligence are inevitable and unintentional. The owners are not responsible for the reproduction of content found on this blog on other websites or media without permission.

This disclaimer policy was written and valid as of November 14, 2017, and may be modified from time to time as appropriate without notice.

DISCLAIMER: “Nak Jemput” does not claim exclusive rights to all images and videos published. All sources used to create our articles will be credited with a proper link-back. However, we host a lot of uncredited material from unknown authors received via emails, from friends, and our readers. If you own copyrights to some material such as images or data and want us to remove it from our pages, please contact us to claim your ownership, and we will either credit you and your website, or if preferred, completely remove the content.